Credit Report Distribution

This article provides borrowers with a step-by-step guide to access and distribute their Credit Report from the Credora platform.

There are three main steps to the process:

  1. Activate the Reports

  2. Choose Privacy Settings

  3. Share Reports

    • Summary Report

    • Detailed Report

1. Activate Report

After completing your credit assessment, the Credora team produces a Detailed and Summary Credit Report that can be accessed on the platform (“Reports” page). You will need to activate the report to share it with other counterparties.

Upon clicking on “Activate Report”, a modal will populate, allowing you to:

  1. Access the Summary and Detailed Reports.

  2. Configure the distribution of each report (see next section).

Report Activation

2. Choose Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings for reports can either be Public or Private:

  • Public access allows those who have verified their email address to view the report. Share links are hash URLs which makes them unique and practically impossible to guess. Therefore, only counterparties who receive the shared link can access the report.

  • Private access ensures the borrower has explicitly approved or whitelisted any counterparties that can access the report. Where users are not whitelisted, the link prompts them to request access to the report.

3. Share Reports

The reports can be distributed in three ways:

  1. Share Link: For Public reports, individuals with the link and have verified their email address can view the report. For Private reports, whitelisted individuals that access the link can view the report.

  2. Whitelist: For Private reports, whitelisting and email address will generate a notification to the individual. They are required to verify their email address to receive and view the report.

  3. Partner Listing: List report on partner platforms, maintaining the underlying privacy settings.

To learn how to list your reports on partner platforms, please refer to this article.

Summary Reports

Summary reports provide a company overview and headline Credit Metrics. This report is effective for the early stages of a new counterparty relationship, or useful for Lenders who are constructing a portfolio across multiple borrowers.

Summary Reports are set to Public access by default.

Summary Report security is enhanced by OTP requirements, watermarking, download prevention, and IP viewer tracking.

Upon Activating the Report, you can copy the Summary Report Link and share it with any counterparty. Sharing or accessing a Summary Report is free.

Copy Paid Report Link

When clicking on the link, counterparties will be directed to a page where they can provide their email to access the Summary Report. Upon providing their email, counterparties will receive a unique, password-protected link to access your Summary Report.

Access Summary Report

Detailed Report

Detailed Reports provide a comprehensive and visual breakdown of the Credit Assessment. This report contains all relevant information for due diligence on a borrower, including financial and risk monitoring data. It is most appropriate for known institutional counterparties, including sophisticated Credit Funds and Prime Brokers.

Detailed Reports require users to choose Privacy settings depending on how they want to distribute the reports, and to whom.

Detailed Report security is enhanced by OTP requirements, watermarking, download prevention, and IP viewer tracking.

Detailed Reports can be set to Public Access or Private Access. See the section on Privacy Settings for details.

Whether privacy settings are set to Public or Private access, the report can be easily distributable via a report link. Where reports are set as Private, counterparties will have the ability to send a request to access the report, allowing you to approve access (whitelist) or deny their request (no action required).

Detailed Report - Payment

When whitelisting counterparties for detailed report access, Credora allows you to choose who pays for the report (you or the viewer):

  1. For pre-paid reports, recipients will access the report at no cost, as it was pre-paid by you.

  2. For paid reports, recipients will need to pay to access the report (in which case you will not be charged for the invitation).

When you invite for a paid Detailed Report, the counterparty receives the following email where they can make the payment to access the report.

When you invite for a pre-paid Detailed Report, the counterparty receives the following email where they can access the report for free (as it was pre-paid by you).

Upon clicking on the link, counterparties will be directed to a page where they can make the payment to access the Detailed Report.

Last updated

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