User Accounts

The Credora Platform allows users to create multiple user accounts within the same organization, offering increased flexibility and control over access and permissions for different team members. Main Account and Admin Accounts can manage user accounts by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Manage Users via the top right menu.

  2. Choose 'Add User', input the new user's email address and select the user type.

  3. The added user will receive an email notifying them of their platform access.

  4. The new user needs to complete the sign-up process using the provided email address.

The User Types are detailed below:

User TypeUser Permissions


The initial user is by default the sole Owner. The Owner can access all product features is capable of adding or removing users.


Admin users can access all product features and add or remove users.

Full Access

Full Access users can access all product features, but cannot add or remove users.


Collaborator users can submit Profile, KYC, and financial information. They can view all other product features.


Read-only users can view all product features, and cannot add or remove users.

Owner, Admin, and Full Access users can also configure permissions for the following:



Users can add wallet addresses for use in the RFQ and Instant Lend features.

Instant Lend Trade

Users can initiate trades in the Instant Lend feature.

Instant Lend Withdrawal

Users can initiate withdrawals from Instant Lend feature.

By creating different user accounts with varying levels of permissions, organizations can efficiently manage their Credora platform usage while ensuring that sensitive information and critical operations remain secure and accessible only to authorized personnel.

Last updated