Off-chain Data Relay

Credora leverages the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) to create a robust off-chain data relay system. As an overview, attestations are verifications or proofs of an event which can be recorded directly on or off a blockchain. They are immutable and verifiable. EAS provides a standardized framework for on-chain and off-chain attestations using pre-defined on-chain schemas.

Our relay system enables secure and verifiable transmission of data between off-chain sources and on-chain applications. Below is a detailed description of the workflow:

  1. Data Collection: The off-chain data residing on S&T is collected by the relayer, which also generates a ZKP of the DB query and the related result.

  2. Attestation Creation: The relayer anchors the collected data and its proof commitment to an on-chain EAS attestation following the on-chain schema shown in the figure below:

The EAS attestation schema for on-chain metrics
  1. Credora's Contract Triggering: The relayer informs the Credora smart contract about the new attestation by triggering an event on the smart contract using the generated attestation UID.

  2. Verification and Consumption: The smart contract retrieves the attestation from the EAS, verifies the proof commitment and refreshes the data.

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